The Work that Reconnects:
What if we could make a difference?
Joanna Macy is a whole systems thinker, eco-feminist, Buddhist who designed the Work that Reconnect workshops (once called despair and empowerment workshops) in the 70's and has been doing them for decades. She also wrote the book: Active Hope: How to Face the mess we are in without going Crazy. Locally Lynn Fitz-Hugh and Carolyn Treadway have been trained by Joanna to do this work and are apprenticing Diana Moore and Alice Grendon as facilitators. Sometimes we call them Active Hope workshops.
Joanna's Work That Reconnects (WTR) teaches us to move from gratitude to honoring our pain, to seeing with new perspectives, and then going forth into action. This experiential workshop will use exercises and ritual, in community, to share and honor our feelings about what is happening and our ideas of what we need to do. These are emotional and spiritual workshops.
Do you live with despair, fear, and rage about climate disruption, ecosystem collapse, injustice, and political chaos? Your pain for the world comes from your love for the world. Use that love to empower your actions on behalf of our Earth.
In these times, the living body of our earth is under attack from our own industrial society: a great unraveling. Simultaneously, a vital, creative recovery process is under way: The Great Turning.
What helps us face the mess we’re in is the knowledge that each of us has something significant to offer. An oyster, in response to trauma, grows a pearl. We grow, and offer, our gift of Active Hope.
In the larger work of Restoring Earth Connection we are striving for paradigm shift - this work of Reconnecting is also to Earth, and it doing the work of moving through the feelings we have to transform to create a new society and heal our earth. Thus we try to regularly hold WTR workshops or exercises to empower this change.