A Dip in Active Hope
Curious about the work of Joanna Macy on overcoming despair about the state of our world so we can take action? Come listen to Lynn Fitz-Hugh, the Director of Restoring Earth Connection and Rhonda Hunter of Climate Shepherds talk about Active Hope and an upcoming day long workshop in May.
Time & Location
Apr 04, 2024, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Unitarian Church, 2315 Division St NW, Olympia, WA 98502, USA
About the event
Rhonda and Lynn will discuss what Active Hope is and how to work with both hope and despair in these challenging times. Dip into Active Hope is a FREE event. Donations welcome! Joanna Macy created the Active Hope workshops and Lynn has been trained directly by her. Joanna Macy is an environmental activist, author, and scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep ecology, and the author of twelve books.
This talk is a sneak preview of an Active Hope full day workshop on Sat May 11th 9:30 to 5:30 at Good Shepherd Church in Olympia
Early bird tickets sliding scale Facilitated by Lynn Fitz-Hugh, LMHC and Carolyn Treadway, ACSW